
Kismet means fate or destiny, or the reason why such a thing happened.
In 2020, like so many others I found my life turned completely upside down. My husband and I started out so hopeful; we both had jobs we actually liked, we were under contract for our first home, and looking forward to starting a family. 
Then I was laid off from my job, and a week later so was my husband. We had put most of our belongings in storage and moved into my parent's home anticipating a short stay before moving again. Suddenly with no jobs, we were forced to back out of the sale one week before closing. Just like that we were jobless, displaced, and absolutely crushed. 
I found myself looking at the pieces of my life and wondering (or yelling), well, what now?? The future was bleak, but I was unbelievably afforded a chance to change the direction of my life. For me, being a silversmith had always been the daydream that I would think about in my Winning the Lottery Fantasy. We all have one of those right? I just couldn't find a clear path to making it happen until 2020 knocked me on my ass. 
How could it not be kismet, destiny, or fate that I was now actually able to follow my dreams while the world is in chaos? 
Kismet Metalworks is where I hope to honor where I came from and how far I still have to go. Every piece I create is a metamorphosis for my aching heart. I want my jewelry to make the wearer feel hopeful and strong and beautiful.



Thank you for allowing me take this journey with you,
- Abby